



郗小超,香港理工大学博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师。学术研究领域涉及设计符号学、具身化认知、中国物质文化研究及汉字学。近年来承担1项北京市社会科学基金,1项校科研能力行动计划项目及多项企业合作项目,在教学实践中与蚂蚁金服、蓝湖、世喜等企业建立了长期合作关系。发表A&HCI、CSSCI论文3篇,International Association of Societies of Design Research 2021国际会议论文审稿人;2022年获iF Design Award;指导员工获国内外设计奖项30余项,包括2018年红点概念设计奖、2022年K-DESIGN设计奖、2021年金点概念设计奖、国际用户体验创新大赛(UXDA)二等奖、北京市老员工工业设计大赛一等奖等。

XiaoChao XIis an Associate Professor in the School of Digital Media and Design Arts, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China. Heobtained a Ph.D in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. And also received M.A. and B.E. in University of Science and Technology Beijing, China.

XI’s design interests focus on design semiology/semiotics, design embodiment and cognition. Other involves Chinese material culture and Chinese philology. In his Ph.D thesisA Semantic Study of the Relationship Morphemic Symbols and Designed Artifacts in China, XI uses meaning construction of Chinese characters to interpret artifact design, and uncovers the essence of material culture of China.

XI was the Winner of 2021 IF DESIGN AWARD. And supervising students earned 2022 K-DESIGN AWARD, GOLDEN PIN CONCEPT DESIGN AWARD 2021, 2018 reddot award: design concept. Other design works also won various design awards, and exhibited at well-known shows.